Annual OHS Screening

There is an OHS requirement for all animal users at Emory University. This screening questionnaire must be completed at least annually by all users of animals at Emory University. All individuals listed on IACUC protocols as working with animals will need to have completed the Emory IACUC OHS questionnaire within the last year before annual renewals of IACUC protocols will be granted.

The PI and everyone on the research team are responsible for completing the online screening questionnaire.

Personnel from the Emory Primate Center (EPC): Contact the EPC Safety Office to arrange for your OHS screening

How to complete your 2023 OHS Screening for Personnel outside the EPC:

1. Faculty and Staff: 

Sign-up for OHS Screening in ELMS-Course 300000 is NOT needed. The OHS Screening request is moving to Brainier.

You will receive an email from Brainier after the OHS nurse has assigned you the Animal Handler questionnaire in HOME

To access HOME: Go to the HR website> Self-Service Log IN> Workplace Health>HOME> and complete the EH Animal Questionnaire

Instructions to find the EH Animal Questionnaire in HOME can be found here

If you have not received the email from Employee Health ( please reach out to the IACUC Office (

2. New personnel being added to an IACUC protocol:

  • You need to sign in to eIACUC to activate your account [].
  • Employee Health will contact you when the OHS Animal handler questionnaire

3. OHS Form for Individuals with Sponsored Accounts or Undergraduate Students

Follow this link: > log in with your Emory ID and Password>Click Download a blank OHS Animal Handler Questionnaire> Complete form>Click Gray Box> Outlook email opens with attachment>Click Send (email to:

After finishing the online screening, each person will either be cleared or will be instructed to complete an additional questionnaire in the Emory HOME system.

OHS will notify the IACUC office whether the researcher is cleared or not cleared to work with animals.