DOE Research Security Training Requirements
Effective May 1, 2025 new Department of Energy (DOE) research security training requirements state that covered individuals must certify that they have completed research security training within one year of submitting an application for DOE funding.
A Covered Individual is defined as:
- an individual who contributes in a substantive, meaningful way to the development or execution of the scope of work of a project proposed for funding by DOE. DOE designates covered individuals as any principal investigator (PI); project director (PD); coprincipal investigator (Co-PI); co-project director (Co-PD); project manager; and any individual regardless of title that is functionally performing as a PI, PD, Co-PI, Co-PD, or project manager.
- Status as a consultant, graduate (master’s or PhD) student, or postdoctoral associate does not automatically disqualify a person from being designated as a “covered individual” if they meet the definition above.
The research security training requirement is optional until May 1, 2025, and mandatory thereafter. Covered individuals listed on applications are required to certify that they have taken research security training consistent with Section 10634 of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022. In addition, applicants who receive an award must retain all Federal award records for three years from the date of submission of their final financial report as noted in 2 CFR 200.334.
To fulfill this requirement, an applicant may utilize either of the following:
- Four one-hour training modules developed by the National Science Foundation
- Emory’s research security training module found in Brainier learning management system
- Log into Brainier via PeopleSoft Self Service Learning Management prior to clicking on the link to access the training. Alternatively, you can log into Brainier via PeopleSoft Self Service Learning Management and search for “research security training” to access the training module.
The certification for covered individuals will be collected via an additional certification on the Current and Pending (Other) Support disclosure.
Additional Resources
More information can be found in Dept of Energy’s Financial Assistance Letter dated October 7, 2024
Questions? Contact for more information.