Researcher Tools

This page includes documents created by the IACUC to provide guidance and clarification on frequently asked questions related to Animal Care and Use at Emory University.

For SOM DAR Users: Template for using flowmeters during CO2 Euthanasia This is a tool to generate the SOP for using Flowmeters for Mouse and Rat CO2 Euthanasia in their lab space.

Example - Completed Surgical Log 

EXAMPLE - Completion of one Team Substance Administration Procedure per Protocol (SharePoint - Log in with your Emory ID and Password)

EXAMPLE - Completion of one Team Substance Administration Procedure per Experiment (SharePoint - Log in with your Emory ID and Password)

EU DAR Education and Training Requirements Checklist

EPC Education and Training Requirements Checklist

EU DAR Job Aid for Open-Drop Isoflurane Overdose (euthanasia) in Rodents 

Find additional tools in our SharePoint Site for Researcher’s Resources: eIACUC (SharePoint - Log in with your Emory ID and Password)